Monday, September 29, 2008

Another Picture of Ruth

Here is my favorite picture of Ruth.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hey! I'm just Sayin'!

This is Mount Kilimanjaro from an aerial photo in 1993

This is how she looked in the same month in 2000.
Where went the snow?...I'm just sayin'!

Speaking of Africa

Africa From Space (cool!)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Make My Day!

I'm having more fun these days. I can hardly believe it! I haven't broken any bones yet. I'm in stellar physical shape. And here is the bonus!

I have been able to watch all of the episodes of "Bonanza" and "Hogan's Heroes" on TV that I want!

My favorite TV characters have become Hoss on Bonanza, and Sargent Schultz on Hogan's Heroes.

Speaking of Hogan's Heroes, I served in the US Army in the 1980's with Bob Crane's(Colonel Hogan's) nephew in real life. Jon "J.C." Crane from San Diego, California. A shout out to you bro' wherever you may be these days! (He married a commissioned officer while we were enlisted men-way to go!) We made a pact that we were going to become "social revolutionaries" when we got out of the service. I hope I held up my end of the bargain! (Does missionary to Africa count for that?)

I'm still planning on returning to Uganda this fall to bring back the lady of my dreams. (Nakimuli Ruth) She has been my pillar of strength from afar through all of my moments of doubt and fear. I would have fallen apart long ago without her!

A lot of friends have given me hope. It's in God's hands...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fired! Now I can pursue my career as a rodeo clown!

Goodbye French Team! You were good to me although working for that company on the whole was the worst experience I ever had in my professional life. Anyway thanks again to Serge Merlin, Florence, Mademoiselle Savoie & Samson. I enjoyed working with you. I will miss you! Adieu! Bonne chance! Que Dieu vous bénise!